Ideally, everybody wants to make the most of their workday. We all search for ways to increase our productivity and tick all the bullets of our ever-growing to-do lists (however, excessive caffeine and constant multi-tasking just won’t cut it anymore). Before we dive into tips and tricks, let’s chat about what productivity is. The constant…Read More
4 Key Factors for Workplace Well-Being
The concept of wellness has been around a long time. Think Richard Simmons workout videos, neon leg warmers, and Jazzercise classes – yes, that long. Nowadays, people view wellness through a much broader and more sophisticated lens that encompasses so much more than just fitness and nutrition. As health and wellness initiatives continue to broaden…Read More
6 Reasons To Choose Demountable Walls Over Drywall
It’s the big debate for many first-time buyers, demountable walls or drywall? Many look at the initial cost of movable walls and are quick to choose drywall. However, there are many benefits and factors to consider that might mitigate the price in the long run! We collaborated with our Architectural Walls Specialist, Andrew Chivers, to…Read More
Commercial Office Furniture and Design Trends in 2021: The Hybrid Workplace
It’s a new year, and a lot has changed. Many employees are permanently or temporarily working from home, shifting office dynamics. As we lift measures, there will be a period where only part of the workforce returns to the office, while others continue to work from home. This split creates a hybrid workplace, which is…Read More
Our Top Canadian Furniture Manufacturers (Part Two)
We believe that it’s essential to support local businesses and Canadian manufacturers now more than ever before. There are plenty of Canadian brands that make modern commercial furniture suitable for your workplace, healthcare facility, school, or home office. Discover innovative solutions that help you stay inspired, productive, supported, and healthy. We’re making a continuation of…Read More
A Sneak Peek of Our New Edmonton Office
If you haven’t already heard, we’re moving! By the end of October, we’ll be relocated to our new office space at 101-13420 149th Street NW in Edmonton, Alberta. It will be the second move in our company’s 46-year history. We fully customized the facility to showcase industry-leading commercial furniture solutions and thoughtful office space planning.…Read More
Our Top Height-Adjustable Desks For Your Home Office
It’s no secret; long periods of sitting reduces circulation within our bodies, compromising our health and productivity levels. Some have even gone so far as to call sitting “the new smoking” as studies continue to link it to a slew of health issues, such as heart disease and stroke. It’s important to note that the…Read More
Our Favourite Canadian-Made Office Furniture Products
From innovative modular seating and screens to reliable wellness solutions, Canadian manufacturers know the value of a well-designed, insightful product. Canada features some of the top furniture manufacturers in the world, offering timeless state-of-the-art furnishings that’s built to last. Here’s some of our top office furniture products that’s made in Canada SaniTower | MityBilt Durable,…Read More
How To Encourage Physical Distancing With Your Office Space Plan
There are many different factors to consider when designing a functional workspace. Now that we’re slowly coming out of a pandemic, we’re faced with a new set of challenges, such as creating solutions for privacy, physical distancing and video conferencing. Here’s some helpful tips for redesigning your office to make it safer and more functional…Read More
How to Create Privacy Within an Office Space
As we return to work, it’s almost guaranteed that there will be more demand for privacy. The post-COVID workplace will feature more barriers, space and sanitation points to protect employees as we transition into our new normal. Every business will set their own privacy standards and every employee will have their own set of boundaries.…Read More
Our Favourite Ergonomic Accessories For Your Home Office
Working from home longer than expected? It might be time to reevaluate your work space. Many people are experiencing aches and pains from their temporary office setup. Poor office ergonomics, along with taking infrequent breaks, can lead to improper posture and reduce circulation—causing headaches, eyestrain and body pain. You may not be ready to invest…Read More
Working from Home? Here’s Some Tips to Keep You on Track.
Started working from home? Your average day of work now includes lounging in your sweatpants, throwing on some Netflix and unlimited access to kitchen snacks—sounds nice, right? Until you’ve powered through two episodes on Netflix with your laptop perched on your lap, wide open and no work done. To put simply, working from home is…Read More
The Best Ergonomic Office Chairs For Your Workplace
We spend the majority of our time sitting in a office chair, so be mindful of your seat. The rising demand for ergonomics have influenced office furniture trends and created a new standard in the modern-day workplace. So what is the purpose of ergonomics and why is it so important? The purpose of ergonomics is to…Read More
Office Furniture and Design Trends in 2020: Changes Over the Decade
A new decade has officially arrived! We’ve seen some significant changes in business over the past 10 years, from a spike in social media influence and technological dependence to the rise in sustainability and workplace wellness. If the 2010’s gave any indication of what to expect in 2020, we can anticipate more progressive changes in…Read More
How Office Furniture Affects Employee Productivity
“To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace” – Doug Conant A healthy, motivated and productive workforce is the strongest competitive advantage you can attain as a company. A major part is hiring the right people and building a supportive culture, but office design and furniture can also play a key…Read More
4 Tips on How to Incorporate an Activity-Based Working Floor Plan
You may have seen the terms “activity-based working” or “ABW” offices frequently in recent news. Activity-based offices has been a popular trend in modern-day offices and other commercial spaces, but what is activity-based working and what does it have to offer? In ABW floor plans employees are given the choice to change their work environment…Read More
Our Top Canadian Office Furniture Manufacturers
We’re proud to be Canadian and to work alongside some of the top office furniture manufacturers in Canada! Canadians have an eye for craftsmanship, creativity and design. From sophisticated lounge seating to intricate desking and storage systems. Here’s a list of Canadian office furniture manufacturers that will take your space to the next level. Teknion…Read More