
Contact Us

Allwest Furnishings Ltd.
101-13420 149 St
Edmonton, AB AB T5V 0B7


Toll Free: 1-800-232-7380
T: 780-452-8212
F: 780-447-5503

    Acoustics Panels for Office Spaces

    Sometimes the biggest distraction in the workplace is also the one that’s most difficult to see. Sound impurities in the office can make it challenging for workers to focus, creating a negative impact on productivity. Allwest Furnishings offers a large selection of easy-to-install acoustic panels to absorb sound frequencies— reducing noise and workplace distractions.

    What We Offer

    Our selection of office acoustic panels ranges in style, size and application— allowing us to neutralize the acoustics in virtually any space. Our feature brand, Snowsound, offers acoustic panels that can be applied to the ceiling, desks and walls; or as a stand-alone piece. Their patented technology is unsurpassed for sound absorption across three frequencies and soundproofing against unwanted reverberations. Snowsound’s award-winning panels features an innovative design, adding a unique aesthetic to creative office spaces.

    Our selection of office acoustic panels ranges in style, size and application— allowing us to neutralize the acoustics in virtually any space.

    Our Products

    Not seeing what you're looking for?

    This is a small selection of products we can source. Our experts can help you find the right product for the right price.

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