
Contact Us

Allwest Furnishings Ltd.
101-13420 149 St
Edmonton, AB AB T5V 0B7


Toll Free: 1-800-232-7380
T: 780-452-8212
F: 780-447-5503

    Posts in Category: Company Messages

    4 Key Factors for Workplace Well-Being

    The concept of wellness has been around a long time. Think Richard Simmons workout videos, neon leg warmers, and Jazzercise classes – yes, that long. Nowadays, people view wellness through a much broader and more sophisticated lens that encompasses so much more than just fitness and nutrition. As health and wellness initiatives continue to broaden…Read More

    Our Canadian Bucket List

    In the midst of a record-breaking heatwave, we can firmly say that Summer has arrived! Looking for some travel plans? We’ve got you covered. We asked our team for their top Canadian bucket list experiences. If someone was visiting Canada what should they see, eat, or do? Here are some of our top picks. Experience…Read More

    A Letter From Our Owner | Q1-2021

    Allwest has been pleased to showcase our new facility to current and prospective clients while maintaining COVID safety measures and precautions. We are excited to showcase Hush Acoustics, Ven-Rez Products, and Carbon Graphics. These new partnerships will allow us to diversify our product and service offerings to our clients. Hush Acoustics is an exciting Manitoba-based company that…Read More

    A Letter From Our Owner | Q4-2020

    As a company, Allwest has persevered through these challenging times. We have continued to take on new projects and have helped new and existing clients adapt their workspace to meet the changing demands. Our team has continued to work tirelessly to make sure each project is carried out safely and efficiently. We’ve also remained committed…Read More

    Our Response to COVID-19

    To Our Customers: In wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we have temporarily implemented some new precautionary procedures at Allwest Furnishings to better protect our staff and customers. These changes are in-coherence with the latest government updates on all three levels.  We Change The Way We Work.™  We have remained dedicated to changing the way…Read More